Home :: Wildlife :: Aardvark


C1: Lt. Umber
C2: Lt. Lt. Umber
C3: Dk. Gray
C4: Lt. Lt. Red
C5: Dk. Dk. Gray
C6: Black
Dakota Collectibles >> WL1850 >> Aardvark Embroidery Design
SKU WL1850
Stitches: 6817
Colors: C1: Lt. Umber
C2: Lt. Lt. Umber
C3: Dk. Gray
C4: Lt. Lt. Red
C5: Dk. Dk. Gray
C6: Black
Width: 3.00" / 7.62cm
Height: 1.80" / 4.57cm
Market price: $25.00
Our price: $1.00
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